Yearly Archives: 2015

Word for Writers, Part 8: Section Breaks 7

IN PART 7 OF WORD FOR WRITERS, I covered how to manage page breaks. Today, we’ll talk about section breaks. Many people work with Word for years without ever understanding or using Word’s sections. This may be due to the fact that many Word documents are only a single section. In […]

Writing Through Holiday Depression 3

FOR MANY PEOPLE, the holidays are a mix of joy and sorrow, gratitude and loss. On one hand are family and friends, and the warmth, caring, and love you share with them. On the other hand are family and friends, and the loss and pain associated with them. Maybe it’s just […]

A Thanking We Will Go 5

EVERY DAY, I wake thankful for all that I have and the life I am fortunate enough to lead. Though I am not wealthy by U.S. standards, compared to the vast majority of people in this world, I am rich beyond imagining. I live in a relatively spacious, well-roofed home that […]

A Book In Any Form 14

WHENEVER I mention to my writer friends that I enjoy reading both electronic and paper books and, moreover, that I find myself turning more frequently to my e-reader, they inevitably wrinkle their noses and — with the tone of an upper-crust British aristocrat speaking to a country peasant — say, “Oh, […]

girl reading

Word for Writers, Part 7: Managing Page Breaks 5

Do you habitually use paragraph returns to move text to the next page? Did you know that you can insert a page break anywhere in your document,  automatically forcing the following text to a new page, and that you can control how and where Microsoft Word positions automatic page breaks? […]

Domestic Violence: A Personal View 10

OCTOBER is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Last October, I wrote about domestic violence and offered some journaling and memoir writing prompts to help confront the subject head on. But I wrote as someone on the outside looking in. Someone looking on with concern and compassion. Someone who had not personally experienced […]

Calling on Your Inner Muse 1

INSPIRATION. Creativity. Ideas. They’re coming fast and furious; you can hardly keep up. Your muse is whispering in your ear, and you are in love. With writing. With creating. With life. Sound familiar? It should, as it’s the mythology of creativity we’ve all grown up knowing about: an image of […]

Word for Writers, Part 6: Managing Tracked Changes 8

In this final article on Microsoft Word’s Review Tab features, we’ll cover how to manage tracked changes. You may be wondering: What is Track Changes? And why would I want to use it in the first place? What is Track Changes? Track changes allows you to keep track of any […]

In Search of a “Satisfying Spiritual Practice” 12

In January, I created a list of ten personal and professional goals to accomplish during the year. These goals included health, family, writing, home improvement, financial, and spiritual aspects of my life. By far the most nebulous goal was to create a “satisfying spiritual practice.” As a goal, it is […]

When Life Gets in the Way of Writing 18

I AM THE QUEEN OF “WRITE EVERY DAY,” “just do it,” “show up and write,”and “just put your seat in the chair.” I am a fan of daily journaling, no matter how brief the writing session. But even I have to admit that there are times when Life, with a capital L, […]