Uncommon Gratitude 4

AS THANKSGIVING APPROACHES here in the States, thoughts naturally turn to the meaning behind the holiday: gratitude for the good in our lives and for all we have. It’s a nice yearly reminder — and, for me, much needed after a particularly tumultuous and divisive election cycle. When you feel stressed by negatively impactful life events, it’s easy to become myopic and forget to see and acknowledge all the good around you. You know what I mean, right?

And so, as my thoughts turn toward the abundance in my life, I want to share the gratitude I feel for you, my readers and fellow writers, as well as other “things” for which I am thankful.

  • I am grateful for journal writing and how it helps me process life.
  • I am grateful for the technology that allows me to share my thoughts and writing around the world.
  • I am grateful for you, and for the thoughts and feelings you share with this community via my blog and Facebook pages.
  • I am grateful for the reading and writing community we have created together.
  • I am grateful to live in a place of physical peace and well being.
  • I am grateful for family and the love that is shared with me.
  • I am grateful for overall good health and well being.

I find that once I get started writing down the people and things I am grateful for, my heart begins to swell with gratitude and the whole world seems a better place. The list could go on and on. I call it “uncommon gratitude,” because gratitude is a state of being that takes focus and nurturing in order to grow and envelop us.

Please add to the good vibes and atmosphere of thankfulness. What and whom are you grateful for this week?


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