A Writer’s Life

7 Signs of Creative Burnout and What to Do About It

Guest Post by Ainsley Lawrence YOU’VE GOT MULTIPLE PROJECTS, a full personal life, and hardly any energy or enthusiasm to tackle either. Sound familiar? When you have so much going on in your life but feel like you have nothing to give, you may be stretching yourself too thin. And […]

Getting and Staying Focused While Writing

“A person who chases two rabbits catches neither.” ~ Confucious   I DON’T KNOW if my brain has become more scattered over time, or if it’s a result of too much digital communication and attempted multitasking, but it sure seems more challenging than ever to get focused when I sit […]

Writing a New Life Chapter 10

WRITING A NEW CHAPTER of a long story, even when you have a solid outline, is always a challenge. To keep your audience engaged, the chapter needs to contain all the elements of the larger work: an inciting incident; conflict; drama; perhaps some humor; and, most of all, the events […]

What Happens When You Write 20 Minutes a Day? 22

ON A WHIM, and in a desperate attempt to revive my regular writing practice, I joined a 28-day, 20-minute per day writing challenge starting January 2nd and running through the end of the month. The challenge is sponsored and organized by Story Circle Network, an organization for women writers, which […]

Rendered Speechless 7

THERE’S MORE THAN ONE WAY to escape a pandemic. You can shelter in place, go nowhere, see no one, exercise indoors. You can catch up on home-improvement projects, learn how to cook, start painting, read that pile of books that’s been gathering dust on your nightstand. You can finally write […]

Banner image with finger poised over a key that says, "What's stopping you?"

How to Get Motivated Again After a Writing Lapse 12

IF IT’S BEEN A WHILE since you sat down to write, I can relate. Like many other writers I know, I have what I call “fallow periods” during which I don’t write. Times when my writing energy or motivation is low and I flounder, feeling at a loss for creative […]

How Your Words Can Change the World 3

A RECENT New York Times article on language and gender caught my attention, because its first sentence, which I paraphrase here, immediately rang true: Americans are resistant to use the word “she” when describing a hypothetical president. Not because Americans don’t believe a woman could be president, but because our […]