writing life

Your Best Writing Year Yet! – Question Everything 3

IN THIS SERIES on writing productivity, I have borrowed heavily from general principles of productivity that, when applied to work and life in general, can bring about positive results. These principles include setting and achieving goals, and managing and maximizing your writing time. But does ALL advice about productivity translate […]

DIY: Why You Need a Personal Writing Retreat 7

IN JANUARY OF 2016, I made a commitment to myself—as part of my writing life and to meet my writing goals, I would go on a weekend-long writing retreat at least twice each year. As I searched for a retreat that would suit my needs, I began to realize that […]

A Writer’s Voice 4

In my class on “Finding Your Voice,” I define a writer’s voice as “… the who (the personality) you hear in your imagination while reading or, conversely, the who your readers hear in their minds when reading your work.” While a writer may evoke a number of different personalities through the […]

Happy Holidays and Thank You 1

As I prepare to gather with my family to celebrate the holidays, I feel immensely grateful for you, my readers and writing friends. Your comments and emails enrich my life in so many ways. And because you take the time to share your thoughts and experiences, I feel part of […]

Author Interview — Jordan Rosenfeld 5

JORDAN E. ROSENFELD is a freelance journalist, editor, and fiction writer. She is a contributing editor & columnist to Writer’s Digest (WD) magazine. Her journalism has appeared in such publications as AlterNet.org, the Marin magazine, the North Bay Bohemian, The Pacific Sun, Seattle Conscious Choice, The San Francisco Chronicle, The […]