Journal Writing Tips: Creating a Special Place for Writing 9

BECAUSE of the reflective nature of personal journal writing, it can have a meditative, sacred quality to it. For this reason, I recommend having a special place for your journal writing. It doesn’t need to contain fancy furnishings, but the best place to write is where you are will not be distracted, that feels good to you, a place all to yourself where you can write regularly.

In his book On Writing, Stephen King said: “… most of us do our best in a place of our own. Until you get one, you’ll find your new resolution to write a lot harder to take seriously. … and it really needs only one thing: a door which you are willing to shut.”

Many journal writers like to write in coffee houses, parks, and other public places. These are all very good for occasional writing, but to write from those really deep places in your heart you need solitude.

Do you have that special place in your home? A place where you can close the door and create a writing ritual (light a candle, meditate, or whatever works for you) that is all your own? If so, take a moment and leave a comment to tell other Writing Through Life readers about your space. And if you haven’t carved out a space all your own, I encourage you to take some today to claim a corner of your home just for you.


Image by: Gina Biancaniello
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9 thoughts on “Journal Writing Tips: Creating a Special Place for Writing

  • Renee

    When I moved to my apartment 7 years ago I chose a 2 bedroom despite the need to downsize. My husband and I share the second bedroom as an art/writing/office space. I have a writing desk with little cubbies and a shelf that I just love and having been writing at it for many years. (Also painting and scrapbooking.) Though we share the room, when I close the door, light a candle and play some relaxing music on the CD player my hubby knows to stay out. I mostly journal in the early morning when he’s still asleep– no ambient tv noise and the sense at least of some solitude. Virginia Woolf was so right about needing a room of one’s own. The next apartment–definitely a 3 bedroom with a room just for me. In the meantime this is working.

  • Soni

    My husband and I live in a small cottage. When it’s cold out, like it is now, I like to build a fire in the woodstove, and write in my journal while my husband is napping. He naps alot because he has cancer. I find that the occasional crackling of the fire, the low steady hum of the computer, and the rhythmic heavy breathing of my husband, provide a good atmosphere for writing.

  • sheryl sherriff

    Journal writing so thats what you call it. We have to have a name for everything its seems. I call it writing down before I forget the “angle” I have on a particular event (generally). Not usually subject. Its when that moment of understanding hits me and its generally at some ridiculous hour of the night or early morning. Up I get and write it down as sometimes its so delicate and elusive I know that when the day comes again I will lose my insight – so I write while I have in my hand. Sometimes when I review what I have written I am relieved, sometimes sad, sometimes I laugh my head off. Mostly though I am glad I recorded it before I lost it forever. They are usually events or sequence of events of my trying to gain an understanding of what the hell is going on. I am not very good at sublimal games – so it takes me a while sometimes to get that someone is being deliberately mean or cruel. Im am far too busy to go to so much trouble anyway – it doesnt enter my head – why bother? Besides it makes me happier to to try to try to be “nicer”‘ but then who’s perfect anyway?

  • Amber Lea Starfire

    Renee, your writing ritual sounds lovely. I also share office/creative space with my sweetheart and am looking forward to a room of my own :-).

    Soni, I am sorry that your husband is ill. Your description of your writing space, with crackling fire and the steady breathing of your husband is warm and comforting. You have a rich environment in which to write.

    Sheryl, thank you for your comment. Journals are used for many purposes. To me, making meaning of and understanding the events of our lives is one of the most important purposes. And I like your light-hearted approach.

    To all, I say, “Write on!”

  • maryawrites

    @ Renee .
    I can totally relate. I usually write in my ‘journal’ just before I go to bed. Its right after I have had something to read, and need to chew on. I fear if I don’t jot that there and then, all thoughts will promptly leave, as quickly as they arrived. 🙂

    Amber, my sacred spot for writing is on my bed, propped against my two partners in crime, my pillows. Kids are in bed, husband is usually found watching telly. I love this uninterrupted time – few precious minutes – before I just manage to put my diary away, and drop dead exhausted. Why can’t inspiration strike at a decent hour?

  • dave terry

    I’d love to have a “room of my own” but right now we live in a 430 square foot apartment. I do have a desk off in the corner but it isn’t all that comfortable. I usually write in bed. I can prop up the pillows, fetch a small glass of red wine, and journal away without distraction. It’s comfy and convenient. I keep my journal on the night stand along with my fountain pen. It’s a time of day I really look forward to.

    I read Stephen King’s “On Writing” and was amused to discover that when he had a big oak desk his writing wasn’t as good as when he used the folding card table he stuffed into the closet near the kitchen.


  • Amber Lea Starfire

    Dave, it isn’t always easy to find a place of one’s own. It doesn’t have to be a separate room, though that’s ideal. Just a place you can call your own while you’re working. A lot of people journal in bed. It’s cozy, and because you associate the space with rest and sleep, can allow the subconscious freedom to bubble up into your writing. Thanks for sharing!

  • Bryan

    I live in a small house with seven people in it so I find it hard to find a writing space. So, I practically write just everywhere as long as it is quiet amd away from the people. Great article! 🙂