
The Art of Writing a Love Letter 4

WITH VALENTINE’S DAY fast approaching, it seems like a good time to talk about the art of writing a love letter — an art that is in danger of becoming extinct, as is all letter writing, lost to the new communication norms of texting and email and social media messaging. […]

Presidential Words Applied to Life and Love 3

I FOUND MYSELF EMBROILED in a bloggers dilemma as I sat down to write this week’s post. Sunday is Valentine’s day — I should write a post about love and about writing about love. On the other hand, Monday is the Presidents’ Day holiday. I should gather great quotes from our presidents […]

Domestic Violence: A Personal View 10

OCTOBER is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Last October, I wrote about domestic violence and offered some journaling and memoir writing prompts to help confront the subject head on. But I wrote as someone on the outside looking in. Someone looking on with concern and compassion. Someone who had not personally experienced […]

Writing About Domestic Violence 25

Since October is Domestic Awareness Month, I want to help bring awareness to this issue while offering ways to write about how violence affects each of us personally. It’s not a subject we like to think about. And when it happens publicly, as recent viral videos have shown, those of us […]

A Week’s Worth of Journaling Prompts: On Fathers 5

The approach of Fathers’ Day, heralded by ads for colorful shirts, silk ties, barbecues, and heavy duty tools, makes me think about all the fathers I know and their importance to their children. My own fathers (I had two: one biological, and one the man my mother was married to), […]

Ten Journal Writing Prompts for New Love 1

SO, YOU THINK you’ve just met the perfect boy, girl, man, or woman. Journaling through all the ups and downs at the beginning of a new relationship can help you understand your emotions and keep your head in the process. Journal writing gives you the opportunity to express and clarify […]

Five Ways to Build Healthy Boundaries 5

THIS AFTERNOON I pondered the subject of boundaries and all the ways boundaries serve us in life, both professionally and personally. Boundaries are, in essence, the lines that mark where the emotional and physical space of one person ends and another begins. They are invisible borders over which we should not […]

Family Affairs 2

HAVING JUST RETURNED from my oldest son’s wedding in Florida, I’ve been thinking a lot about family this week. Images of the bride’s family and of mine keep flashing through my mind—a grand mix of ethnicity, language, and age. Traditional images of family are turned upside-down when our children and […]