
A Thanking We Will Go 5

EVERY DAY, I wake thankful for all that I have and the life I am fortunate enough to lead. Though I am not wealthy by U.S. standards, compared to the vast majority of people in this world, I am rich beyond imagining. I live in a relatively spacious, well-roofed home that […]

A Little Gratitude Goes a Long Way 8

I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton This Thursday we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the U.S. It’s a time for families to get together, eat too much food, and tell stories. It’s also a time when […]

Remembering What Works 3

There are times when it is easier to focus on what’s not working in our lives than what does work. And, once the “not working” mindset has taken hold, it’s difficult not to live precariously from one challenge to the next in a downward emotional spiral. I have been reminded […]

Writing Through Emotion: Resistance is Futile 10

  A few years ago, I was a devoted reader of Eckhart Tolle’s spiritual writings, such as The Power of Now and Stillness Speaks. I never thought Tolle was a particularly good writer, as far as writing goes, but his spiritual approach appealed to me. It still does, though I […]

Writing Through Gratitude: What it Means 6

A FRIEND recently told me that she keeps a journal only during the tough times and that she finds it difficult to write when everything seems to be going well. And she’s not the first person to have told me that. I’ve noticed that when things are difficult, we’ll write […]