Odds & Ends

Musings on the Meaning Of Winter Solstice and Change

AS I WATCHED THE SUN SET over the Pacific Ocean on this 21st day of December, I thought about what the shortest day of the year means to me: renewal, turning of the seasons, change. Speaking of change, I had just finished reading yet another article on the new artificial […]

Stonehenge at dawn , Wiltshire, UK

On the Riddle of Experience vs. Memory 14

I RECENTLY RE-WATCHED Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman’s 2010 TED talk on “The Riddle of Experience vs. Memory,” which is about the difference between what he calls the “experiencing self” (that part of us that experiences life moment by moment) and the “memory self” (that part of us that remembers our […]

Wanted: Your Opinion 1

THIS POST is a bit of a departure from my usual, because I’d like to get your opinion about a future article series. As you know, since early 2015, in addition to articles on journaling, memoir writing, and general writing craft, I’ve been posting a series titled Word for Writers. I […]

Thank You 1

My heart is filled with gratitude for you, my dear friends and readers — for your feedback and encouragement  and the comments and insights you have shared with me over the last few years. May we continue our journey together in peace. Sincerely, Amber Lea Starfire _________________________________  

Happy Holidays and Thank You 1

As I prepare to gather with my family to celebrate the holidays, I feel immensely grateful for you, my readers and writing friends. Your comments and emails enrich my life in so many ways. And because you take the time to share your thoughts and experiences, I feel part of […]

Holiday Wishes & A Poem 2

As we travel together through the holidays towards the next year, – May you have Walls for the wind And a roof for the rain, And drinks bedside the fire Laughter to cheer you And those you love near you, And all that your heart may desire ~ Celtic Blessing […]

Author Interview: Nicole Johns-Purge: Rehab Diaries 3

Today I’m excited and pleased to post my recent interview with Nicole Johns, author of Purge: Rehab Diaries. Nicole Johns lives in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, where she teaches English. She earned her MFA from the University of Minnesota and a BA in English from Penn State University. The […]

Into the Fire: What Happened Was… 6

This weekend I attended The Sun magazine’s annual writers’ workshop, “Into the Fire” at Esalen in Big Sur. Having been to one of these workshops four years ago, I anticipated the weekend as eagerly as a child anticipates an Oreo cookie–imagining twisting it apart, licking out the luscious filling, then […]

Christmas Wishes 2

To my beloved readers, Wishing you joy and wonder in this season  of grace. In gratitude, Amber Lea Starfire – P.S. I will be on “blog vacation” between Christmas and the New Year. I believe that even the Internet needs a break now and then. Blessings to you all. _________________________________ – – […]