
WOW Blog Tour – Author Interview with Mari McCarthy 5

I AM EXCITED ABOUT today’s author interview with Mari McCarthy and her new book, Heal Your Self With Journaling Power. As you know, journaling is near and dear to my heart, the reason I founded WritingThroughLife, and a huge part of my ongoing daily writing and teaching practice. Read on […]

Dream Journaling – An Interview with Nathan Ohren 3

I’M DELIGHTED to welcome Nathan Ohren, a fellow journal writing teacher and promoter of mindful living, to the Writing Through Life blog. I “met” Nathan online a couple of years ago through his JournalTalk podcast. We’ve stayed in touch and continue to share ideas with each other around ways to help others […]

Author Interview: Nicole Johns-Purge: Rehab Diaries 3

Today I’m excited and pleased to post my recent interview with Nicole Johns, author of Purge: Rehab Diaries. Nicole Johns lives in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, where she teaches English. She earned her MFA from the University of Minnesota and a BA in English from Penn State University. The […]

Author Interview: Susan Wittig Albert (Part 2)

This is part two of my interview with award winning author Susan Wittig Albert about her book An Extraordinary Year of Ordinary Days. Read Part One HERE. AS: Susan, in what ways has journaling affected your growth as a writer? SWA: I think here, too, about craft. Over the years, […]

Author Interview: Susan Wittig Albert (Part 1) 5

Today, I have the honor of interviewing Susan Wittig Albert about her new book, An Extraordinary Year of Ordinary Days, recently released by the University of Texas Press. A prolific writer, her previous nonfiction books include Together, Alone: A Memoir of Marriage and Place, What Wildness Is This: Women Write […]

Author Interview: Linda Joy Myers 3

TODAY, I’m pleased to interview, Linda Joy Myers, Ph.D, author of The Power of Memoir–How to Write Your Healing Story, Don’t Call Me Mother, and Becoming Whole: Writing Your Healing Story. Linda Joy has been a therapist in Berkeley for over thirty years, and combines her background in art, clinical work, and writing in her work. Watch the three-part video of the interview and/or read the written version below.

Author Interview: K.M. Weiland 4

Writing Through Life interviews K.M. Weiland, author, editor, and writing consultant. Ms. Weiland writes historical and speculative fiction from her home in western Nebraska and has recently released a CD titled Conquering Writer’s Block and Summoning Inspiration.