
How to Use Journaling to Find Your Truth 1

Guest Post by María José Bianchi I STARTED JOURNALING when I needed my truth the most. It was a time in my life when I felt stuck, lost, and miserable, but I didn’t know why. At the time, I supposed my unhappiness had something to do with my career. Five […]

Truth word behind a torn paper.

Journaling Through Relationships: What Have You Learned? 2

“You don’t need to change the world; you need to change yourself.” ― Don Miguel Ruiz IF YOU’VE BEEN FOLLOWING THIS SERIES and journaling about the relationships in your life, you began with writing about the most fundamental of all relationships — your parents. You then branched out to write about your […]

6 Journaling Prompts to Conquer Your Inner Critic 3

ARE YOU SELF-CRITICAL? Get down on yourself for making mistakes or not meeting your own standards? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Many of us run a constant inner dialogue that sounds something like this: I can’t do anything right! Who would want to read anything I write? What an […]