
How to Bring Memories from the Fog to the Light of Day 3

ONE OF THE CHALLENGES of writing memoir is pulling partial memories into full and clear focus, and remembering the concrete details surrounding those memories. You might want to write about your first day of school, the first time you met your stepmother, or your relationship with your father. But when you […]

A Day for Remembering 3

Memorial Day is a day set aside to remember and honor the fallen men and women who died in the course of war and in service to our country. It is a day to remember who they were in their daily lives, a day to remember their stories, and to […]

Why Research is Important to Your Memoir 16

AS ANYONE WHO HAS WRITTEN ABOUT MEMOIR KNOWS, memoirs are much more than memories put to paper. And they are more than journalistically written true stories. Memoirs are comprised of two important elements: scene (narrative) and reflection. Without reflection, you do not have a memoir — you have a vignette or […]

From Memories to Memoirs, Part 10 — Structuring Your Memoir 13

Memoir isn’t the summary of a life; it’s a window into a life, very much like a photograph in its selective composition. It may look like a casual and even random calling up of bygone events. It’s not; it’s a deliberate construction. ~ William Zinsser, On Writing Well (30th Anniversary Edition) I am often […]

From Memories to Memoirs, Part 9: Dialogue in Memoir 6

Dialogue does the heavy-lifting work – carrying details, setting the scene and moving the plot forward.  ~ J.H. Mae Perhaps more than any other writing device, dialogue brings your readers into the immediacy of scene. It provides a method for showing, not just telling about, a person’s character and personality, as […]

From Memories to Memoirs, Part 7: Creating Fresh Metaphor 6

In Memories to Memoirs, Part 6, I wrote about the importance and impact of fresh metaphor to the life of our stories. Not only does metaphor engage the imagination of our readers, it is key to our own writing voice. Because metaphor is the frame through which we understand concepts, it reveals […]

From Memories to Memoirs Part 6: Writing in Metaphor

In the previous installment of this series, we examined the strong verb and its importance to our story’s tone and pace. In this post, we’ll look at figurative language — metaphor. What exactly is metaphor? Metaphor compares abstract concepts to familiar objects and is the mechanism by which we understand those […]