journaling prompts

Journaling Through Grief – Introduction 11

GRIEF IS as much a part of life as all other emotions. The opposite of joy, grief is a particular kind of sorrow; it’s an emotional anguish so deep that it can seem bottomless. And when you’re in the middle of that bottomless despair, it can feel like there is […]

The Year Ahead: Writing the Future 5

LIFE IS FULL of endings and beginnings, each both exciting and bittersweet in its own way. This is why we so widely celebrate the turning of a calendar year — the date itself might be arbitrary, but the beginning of a new year is important to us because of what it […]

The Top 7 Journaling Mistakes and Misconceptions 4

THE ART OF KEEPING A JOURNAL has evolved over the years. There was the simple daily diary we wrote in when we were children, capturing a few events or activities from our day. Later, we embraced Julia Cameron’s revolutionary Morning Pages (freewriting 3 pages a day). Then, we moved on […]

Journaling Through Relationships: At Work 4

WHAT IS THE NATURE and quality of your relationships with managers, colleagues, and clients? Do you have friendships with the people you work with? Do you get together with them outside the office, or are your work and personal lives kept separate? These are a few of the questions we’ll […]

Journaling Through Relationships: Your Circle of Friends

“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.” ― Helen Keller ADULT FRIENDSHIPS are qualitatively and quantitatively different from those of our youth — even when those friendships are holdovers from that earlier time. And they are as important as ever. Friendship helps protect us […]

Journaling Through Relationships: About Dating 2

WHEN IT COMES TO RELATIONSHIPS, what is dating? Does dating even fall under the term “relationship”? What if you’re not serious about the person and only dating casually? What’s the difference? If you perform a search on the internet about dating and relationships, most articles contend that you’re not in […]