character development

What Can We Learn About Storytelling from Blockbuster TV Series? 5

WHAT IS STORYTELLING? It is the art of sharing narratives (stories) through, writing or theater, including oral storytelling. Stories help us interpret and share experiences. They are a universal and timeless form of communication, bridging age, culture, and religion. Everything we know and understand — including our memories — is […]

How to Write Better Dialogue 2

DO YOU STRUGGLE with writing dialogue? If so, you’re not alone. Writing dialogue that feels natural and moves the story forward has always been a challenge for me. For that reason, I’ve had to study dialogue — what makes it good (effective) and what makes it bad (ineffective). – Before […]

Journaling for Memoir: Writing About Real Characters 4

When you journal about the people in your life, do you take the time to describe their physical appearance and personality traits? Do you write down the gist of conversations? You might think it’s too time-consuming to record these kinds of details. Or, perhaps you feel you know the people […]

A Writer’s Journal 8

AS YOU KNOW, I’m a big fan of daily journaling (that is what Writing Through Life is all about, after all), but did you know that there are many types of journals? When we think about journal writing, most of us think about a private place to write our deepest, […]