
The Freedom We Fight For 5

THIS IS A MEMORIAL DAY like no other in the history of Memorial Days. And it seems fitting on this day when we honor those who have given their lives for the cause of freedom, to ask the question, “What is the freedom we fight for?” It might seem like […]

Wishing You a Joyous Holiday and an Inspired New Year

May this holiday season be filled with laughter, family, friends, and bring you an abundance of joy. And may this coming year bring inspiration to live a vibrant, vital life. May you continue to grow in creative expression, fulfill your deepest longings, and find peace in your center.  ~ I […]

The Art of Writing a Love Letter 4

WITH VALENTINE’S DAY fast approaching, it seems like a good time to talk about the art of writing a love letter — an art that is in danger of becoming extinct, as is all letter writing, lost to the new communication norms of texting and email and social media messaging. […]

Happy Holidays 4

Whatever and with whomever you celebrate, I wish you and yours… Thank you for sharing 2018 with me and WritingThroughLife. Let’s look forward to an incredible 2019 together.  

A Holiday Message with Writing Inspiration 1

My dear friends and WritingThroughLife readers,  I want to wish you happy and warm holidays! I also want to encourage you to take time to write about your holiday experiences and thoughts. To that end, here are a few of my most popular and inspiring holiday writing posts, with plenty […]