Monthly Archives: September 2018

Journaling Through Relationships: What Have You Learned? 2

“You don’t need to change the world; you need to change yourself.” ― Don Miguel Ruiz IF YOU’VE BEEN FOLLOWING THIS SERIES and journaling about the relationships in your life, you began with writing about the most fundamental of all relationships — your parents. You then branched out to write about your […]

4 Essential Ingredients in Every Powerful Story 7

FROM EARLY CHILDHOOD, stories are an integral part of our lives — and for good reason. It is through stories that we learn about life, the culture we live in and its mores and expectations. Stories contain lessons and offer archetypes as role models, helping us to learn what is […]

The Top 7 Journaling Mistakes and Misconceptions 4

THE ART OF KEEPING A JOURNAL has evolved over the years. There was the simple daily diary we wrote in when we were children, capturing a few events or activities from our day. Later, we embraced Julia Cameron’s revolutionary Morning Pages (freewriting 3 pages a day). Then, we moved on […]

When to Use Summary to Move Your Story Along 4

IF SCENE IS THE BUILDING BLOCK of story, summary is the glue that links and holds scenes together. To understand how scene and summary work together, it’s important to understand the difference between the two methods.   A brief definition of scene. Scene always takes place in a specific place […]

Journaling Through Relationships: Death and Grieving 2

“Death ends a life, not a relationship.” ― Mitch Albom ALL RELATIONSHIP ENDINGS are painful, and perhaps none more so than the loss of a loved one by death. In her Psychology Today article, Dr. Lani Leary writes, “A relationship is an association, a connection, a link, and a tie between loved ones. […]

Your Best Writing Year Yet! – Resting From Your Labors 2

SINCE 1884, Americans have enjoyed a day of rest on the first Monday of every September. A creation of the Labor Movement, the holiday is meant to celebrate the social and economic achievements of organized labor, which brought us better wages, reasonable hours (imagine working 12 hour days, 6 days […]