Monthly Archives: August 2018

Journaling Through Relationships: Endings 6

“There’s a trick to the ‘graceful exit.’ It begins with the vision to recognize when a job, a life stage, or a relationship is over — and let it go. It means leaving what’s over without denying its validity or its past importance to our lives. It involves a sense […]

Journaling Through Relationships: At Work 4

WHAT IS THE NATURE and quality of your relationships with managers, colleagues, and clients? Do you have friendships with the people you work with? Do you get together with them outside the office, or are your work and personal lives kept separate? These are a few of the questions we’ll […]

What to Do When Journaling Makes You Feel Worse 8

THOSE OF US WHO JOURNAL regularly believe in the power and benefits of journaling — how it helps us cope with life’s challenges, relieve stress, increase self-awareness, reach our goals, and analyze and improve just about every aspect of our lives. BUT — what do you do when it doesn’t? […]

10 Tips for Strengthening Your Unique Writing Voice 7

“I write only because There is a voice within me That will not be still”  ― Sylvia Plath MUCH HAS BEEN WRITTEN about how to “find” your writing voice — I have written and taught classes on this topic myself — but maybe it would be more accurate to say that […]

Journaling Through Relationships: Social Media Friends 2

Human relationships used to be easy: you had friends, boy- or girlfriends, parents, children, and landlords. Now, thanks to social media, it’s all gone sideways. — Susan Orlean HOW MUCH TIME each day do you spend on social media interacting with “friends”? Do you have hundreds of these friends, or […]

Your Best Writing Year Yet! Dealing With Energy Thieves 3

JUST AS WE EACH have a limited amount of physical strength, we each have a limited store of energy each day. There’s only so much energy for focus, motivation, and self-control. Only so much energy for creative activities such as writing. Have you noticed that sometimes you feel a high […]

Journaling Through Relationships: Your Circle of Friends

“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.” ― Helen Keller ADULT FRIENDSHIPS are qualitatively and quantitatively different from those of our youth — even when those friendships are holdovers from that earlier time. And they are as important as ever. Friendship helps protect us […]