Monthly Archives: July 2018

On the Riddle of Experience vs. Memory 14

I RECENTLY RE-WATCHED Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman’s 2010 TED talk on “The Riddle of Experience vs. Memory,” which is about the difference between what he calls the “experiencing self” (that part of us that experiences life moment by moment) and the “memory self” (that part of us that remembers our […]

Journaling Through Relationships: Grandchildren 2

I WAS THERE when my first grandchild was born. My daughter-in-law had chosen to have her baby at home with a midwife. I’d also had mine with a midwife’s assistance, and I was delighted to be invited to lend a helping hand. After a long labor, my granddaughter finally emerged […]

What Can We Learn About Storytelling from Blockbuster TV Series? 5

WHAT IS STORYTELLING? It is the art of sharing narratives (stories) through, writing or theater, including oral storytelling. Stories help us interpret and share experiences. They are a universal and timeless form of communication, bridging age, culture, and religion. Everything we know and understand — including our memories — is […]

Journaling Through Relationships – About Children 2

“Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.” ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray THE WORLD HAS MUCH TO SAY ABOUT CHILDREN AND PARENTING. I can’t even speculate how many thousands of books have been written on the topics of child development, […]

Journaling Through Relationships: Marriage and Life Partners 6

A LONG-TERM, HEALTHY, AND LOVING RELATIONSHIP can bring a great deal of satisfaction and happiness to our lives. And research suggests that people (particularly men) who are in long-term partnerships (married or cohabiting) actually live longer than singles. This may be because we tend to take better care of ourselves […]