Monthly Archives: February 2016

Entanglements: Writing About Family 10

WHEN YOU SET OFF TO WRITE ABOUT YOUR LIFE, you will end up, at some point, wonder how much to include about your family members. Especially if you’re revealing family secrets, which memoirs tend to do. Even when journaling about family, you may worry that family members will some day […]

Presidential Words Applied to Life and Love 3

I FOUND MYSELF EMBROILED in a bloggers dilemma as I sat down to write this week’s post. Sunday is Valentine’s day — I should write a post about love and about writing about love. On the other hand, Monday is the Presidents’ Day holiday. I should gather great quotes from our presidents […]

Can Writing Improve Your Memory? 6

AS I APPROACH THE AGE of retirement, I have begun to worry about the health of my memory. (My mother died from Alzheimer’s, and the specter of that soul-sucking disease continues to haunt me.) If newspaper, magazine, and blog articles about the aging of baby boomers are to be believed, I […]