Monthly Archives: February 2015

Word for Writers, Part 1: Why You Should Care 14

Most writers I know use Microsoft Word, or a Word-compatible word processing program. Even those of us who use other authoring programs, such as Scrivener, rely on Word on a daily basis to polish formatting and share our work with others. Yet, as an editor and writing teacher, I am frequently astonished by […]

craftsman at work

Why Research is Important to Your Memoir 16

AS ANYONE WHO HAS WRITTEN ABOUT MEMOIR KNOWS, memoirs are much more than memories put to paper. And they are more than journalistically written true stories. Memoirs are comprised of two important elements: scene (narrative) and reflection. Without reflection, you do not have a memoir — you have a vignette or […]

7 Prompts for Writing About Guilt 5

Guilt isn’t always a rational thing, Clio realized. Guilt is a weight that will crush you whether you deserve it or not. ~ Maureen Johnson, Girl at Sea – Guilt is a feeling of blame or responsibility for having done something wrong. In its healthiest form, guilt is a moral compass that helps guide us […]