Monthly Archives: January 2015

Making a Habit of Writing 11

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. ― Ernest Hemingway Most of us have read or heard this Hemingway quote before, in which the famous author eloquently distills the difficulty of writing well. But there’s a key part of this quote that we tend […]

5 Reasons to Write Your Memoir 20

What is memoir, and why should you write yours? Essentially, memoir is a collection of memories in narrative form, a story composed of events you experienced in your life. Memoir makes visible and weaves together the connecting threads of those events and gives meaning to them. And that’s the primary difference between […]

A Writer’s Life: Embracing Solitude 12

I need to be alone. I need to ponder my shame and my despair in seclusion; I need the sunshine and the paving stones of the streets without companions, without conversation, face to face with myself, with only the music of my heart for company. ― Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer After the […]