Monthly Archives: December 2014

What Will Writing and Publishing Be Like in 100 Years? 6

IT’S TIME to say goodbye to another year. Traditionally, this is a time of looking back and of taking stock. As evidence, my inbox is full of “Top 10 Posts of the Year” articles from multitudes of bloggers. I admit, it’s fun — and informative — to look back, to count one’s accomplishments and learn […]

Journaling Through the Holidays 5

Whatever your holiday traditions, the end of the calendar year can overflow with activities, events, family and friends, and with emotions ranging from joy to depression, from relaxed celebration to stressed responsibility. The very busyness of these days may cause us to neglect journaling, to put it aside as nonessential. Yet the holidays are also an excellent […]

2 Powerful Ways to Deepen Your Journal Writing 3

Last week I wrote about ways to get out of a writing rut. Shallow writing is a similar problem, but not as much about being stuck as wanting (needing) to get more out of your writing. Whether you’re journaling for personal growth or to improve your writing craft, the methods for […]

How to Get Out of Your Writing Rut 8

It happens to even the most committed, creative, and inspired writers — journal writers and creative writers alike. I’m talking about The Plateau, The Slump, where everything you write seems dry and hackneyed. Blah, boring. At least you’re sitting down to write, you’re getting words on the page, and that’s something. […]