Monthly Archives: January 2011

Journaling Through Challenging Moments 3

JOURNAL WRITING can help you move through challenging circumstances in life. For example, I recently endured an uncomfortable situation; in fact, I’m still dealing with it. But, if you are reading this it means that the situation is largely resolved. It was my own fault. I dropped my guard, like […]

Journal Writing Improves Your Powers of Perception 2

I attribute my increased perceptual powers to my journal writing practice. Why? Journaling helps me to:
* Think about physical descriptions — how things look, feel, taste, and sound.
* Be more aware of my emotional responses as they occur.
* Think about things in new ways (looking at things from different perspectives).
* Be more curious and interested in what is going on around me. …

Journal Writing Tips: Telling the Truth 7

Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true. ~ Demosthenes ONE of the most challenging aspects about journal writing for the purpose of self-knowledge and growth is learning to tell the truth to yourself. After all, we don’t really want to […]