SUMMER. When everything swelters, and the world seems as though it’s come to a halt in the heat. When you retreat indoors to your air conditioned space or, maybe, travel somewhere exotic just to get away, it’s a good time to journal about the season you’re in.
I’ve created a video, adding pictures and music to writing prompts in order to help stir memories and emotions. Images and music are both powerful tools to use when journaling, as they work to evoke subconscious feelings and submerged memories.
If you can’t, or don’t want to, watch the video, I’ve included the prompts here:
- Write about one of your favorite childhood summer memories. Did you do any of these?
- Build sand castles at the beach
- Family barbecues
- Wage water fights
- Go on rides at a theme park
- Camp in the woods
- Play in a water fountain
- Go to summer camp
- Reading in the shade
- Or do nothing at all
- How do your memories of summer affect how you spend summers now?
– - Do you dream of places you’d like to go?
– - If you could spend summer any place in the world, where would it be? And why?
– - What does writing about summer evoke in you?
Please share whatever you’d like about summer in the comments. And let me know what you think of the video format. I may create more of these in the future.
Your video and prompts helped me to revisit the significance of summer and to reacquaint myself with some long forgotten memories of those languid summer afternoons spent in our family’s backyard. It was our escape, the place we ventured to when our non air-conditioned home became too hot to bear. We’d sit under the shade of the huge pecan tree and drink water from (yes…eegads) the water hose!
I had forgotten about drinking from the water hose! We did that, too, as kids. Just that one little memory brings back so many more. Thank you, Sara.
Loved this video prompt.
Thanks for the video, Amber. Ah, those summer memories, some of the best!
Love this post, Amber. The beach is my favorite summer place. Bodysurfing in the waves, the scent of suntan lotion, sunbathing, seagulls wheeling and squawking. Shell collecting. The sound of the surf. That salty sea smell. I’d wear it as perfume if I could. Love everything about the beach.