
The Freedom We Fight For 5

THIS IS A MEMORIAL DAY like no other in the history of Memorial Days. And it seems fitting on this day when we honor those who have given their lives for the cause of freedom, to ask the question, “What is the freedom we fight for?” It might seem like […]

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Journaling to Cope with Change 7

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” ~ Maya Angelou ~ THERE’S AN OLD SAYING: “The only constant in life is change.” If that’s true, and I believe it is, you’d think that we’d all be […]

How to Get Motivated Again After a Writing Lapse 12

IF IT’S BEEN A WHILE since you sat down to write, I can relate. Like many other writers I know, I have what I call “fallow periods” during which I don’t write. Times when my writing energy or motivation is low and I flounder, feeling at a loss for creative […]

Banner image with finger poised over a key that says, "What's stopping you?"

How Your Words Can Change the World 3

A RECENT New York Times article on language and gender caught my attention, because its first sentence, which I paraphrase here, immediately rang true: Americans are resistant to use the word “she” when describing a hypothetical president. Not because Americans don’t believe a woman could be president, but because our […]